Friday, February 15, 2013

Vacation Assignment

1.  See a movie that you haven't seen before (movie theater, dvd, cable it doesn't matter)
2.  Take a picture of the ticket stub, the dvd, you next to the television with the movie playing, whichever applies.
3.  Write a critical review of that movie (follow all the guidelines for reviews in this class).

This should be done upon entering the class on Monday, February 25th.  You have 11 days to complete this assignment.  If for some reason you do not have access to a computer w/internet during those 11 days, then you need to write your review on a piece of paper and I will give you time to type it in class on that Monday.

If you do not do this assignment, then the next critical review assignment requirement will be 400 words minimum to make up for this missing assignment.

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