Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gandhi Critical Review

Write your detailed specific critical opinions of the film Gandhi.  You will cite evidence from the film to support your opinions, but do not summarize the film.  This critical review will be written in paragraphs and be at least 300 words.

You are the one and only expert of your opinions.  Write about your specific opinions about the specific elements from The Karate Kid that stood out to you.  You can write about specific characters, actors, overall character development, dialogue, cinematography, story, plot, etc.

Include a picture relating to Gandhi (movie poster, etc.) to begin your review just like I did for this post.

1)  Begin your critical review with a general synopsis of the story (short summary- 2 sentences maximum) followed by your overall opinion of the film.  Do not include spoilers anywhere in your review. 

2-4)  Go in to detail about your opinions and the film elements that support your opinions.  Write about each element in its own paragraph. Include examples from the film to support your opinionsFor example, if you liked/disliked Ben Kingsley, you could write a paragraph about what you liked/didn't like about his acting citing examples from the film. (3 paragraphs minimum) 

5)  Conclude your review with a final paragraph summarizing your opinion and giving a final recommendation (thumbs up, thumbs down, 3 out of 4 stars, C+, etc.).  You choose how you will grade each film, but use the same grading system for each film review.

This outline will give you a 5 paragraph critical review.  You can write more than 5 paragraphs if you so desire.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Vacation Assignment

1.  See a movie that you haven't seen before (movie theater, dvd, cable it doesn't matter)
2.  Take a picture of the ticket stub, the dvd, you next to the television with the movie playing, whichever applies.
3.  Write a critical review of that movie (follow all the guidelines for reviews in this class).

This should be done upon entering the class on Monday, February 25th.  You have 11 days to complete this assignment.  If for some reason you do not have access to a computer w/internet during those 11 days, then you need to write your review on a piece of paper and I will give you time to type it in class on that Monday.

If you do not do this assignment, then the next critical review assignment requirement will be 400 words minimum to make up for this missing assignment.


Today is a day where everyone is to make sure every assignment is complete (done correctly).  If you are positive that all of your assignments are complete and done correctly, then you are to write a 200 word blog post about any film related topic you choose.

To date there have been 8 Critical Film Review assignments.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape
True Grit
Time Bandits
Raising Arizona
The Karate Kid

There have also been 4 other assignments.

Your Favorites-  3 paragraphs (minimum)  about your 3 (minimum) favorite movies
Freakonomics question
Marley questions
Mt. Everest

If you have been in this class since the beginning, then all assignments need to be completed correctly (following the guidelines in the assignment's description).  Those that have not been here the entire time are responsible for every assignment that you have been here for plus the "My Favorites" assignment.

This class is structured to give you plenty of class time to finish the blog writing.  If you are not finishing the writing in class, then you are going to have to finish it on your own time.

Title today's assignment-   Friday, February 15

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Karate Kid Critical Review

Write your detailed specific critical opinions of the film The Karate Kid.  You will cite evidence from the film to support your opinions, but do not summarize the film.  This critical review will be written in paragraphs and be at least 200 words.

You are the one and only expert of your opinions.  Write about your specific opinions about the specific elements from The Karate Kid that stood out to you.  You can write about specific characters, actors, overall character development, dialogue, cinematography, story, plot, etc.

Include a picture relating to The Karate Kid (movie poster, etc.) to begin your review just like I did for this post.

1)  Begin your critical review with a general synopsis of the story (short summary- 2 sentences maximum) followed by your overall opinion of the film.  Do not include spoilers anywhere in your review. 

2-4)  Go in to detail about the film elements that you write about.  Write about each element in its own paragraph. Include examples from the film to support your opinions. For example, if you liked/disliked Daniel Larusso, you could write a paragraph about what you liked/didn't like about the character citing examples from the film. (3 paragraphs minimum) 

5)  Conclude your review with a final paragraph summarizing your opinion and giving a final recommendation (thumbs up, thumbs down, 3 out of 4 stars, C+, etc.).  You choose how you will grade each film, but use the same grading system for each film review.

This outline will give you a 5 paragraph critical review.  You can write more than 5 paragraphs if you so desire.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Raising Arizona Critical Review

Write your detailed specific critical opinions of the film Raising Arizona.  You will cite evidence from the film to support your opinions, but do not summarize the film.  This critical review will be written in paragraphs and be at least 200 words.

You are the one and only expert of your opinions.  Write about your specific opinions about the specific elements from Raising Arizona that stood out to you.  You can write about specific characters, actors, overall character development, dialogue, cinematography, story, plot, etc.

Include a picture relating to Raising Arizona (movie poster, etc.) to begin your review just like I did for this post.

1)  Begin your critical review with a general synopsis of the story (short summary- 2 sentences maximum) followed by your overall opinion of the film.  Do not include spoilers anywhere in your review. 

2-4)  Go in to detail about the film elements that you write about.  Write about each element in its own paragraph. Include examples from the film to support your opinions. For example, if you liked/disliked Nicolas Cage, you could write a paragraph about what you liked/didn't like about him or his character citing examples from the film. (3 paragraphs minimum) 

5)  Conclude your review with a final paragraph summarizing your opinion and giving a final recommendation (thumbs up, thumbs down, 3 out of 4 stars, C+, etc.).  You choose how you will grade each film, but use the same grading system for each film review.

This outline will give you a 5 paragraph critical review.  You can write more than 5 paragraphs if you so desire.